In defining, convening, and expanding this new field, by 2033, our goal is to equip more than one million multicultural, multiracial individuals with equity design tools and practices that will launch 10,000 liberatory interventions across the global community.

Imagine a community building and edtech powerhouse solely dedicated to advancing equity and equity design. The Institute is set to revolutionize this domain, cultivating a reservoir of research, real-world case studies, and actionable tools that transcend traditional consulting and training approaches. At its core, the Institute is the incubator of a future where equity isn't just a concept – it's a reality. The Institute is where education meets innovation, where theory meets practice, and where equity leaders collaborate to sculpt a world that's just, inclusive, and vibrant.

Why create the Institute...

While emerging fields like social entrepreneurship and biotechnology thrive with systemic support, the equity design and EDI domain lacks a comprehensive institutional backing yielding concrete outcomes beyond individual insights and training. CRXLAB (and the emerging Institute of Equitable Design and Justice) stands at the intersection of equity and design, uniquely poised to bridge this gap.

Ways to get involved:

  • Become a Founding Partner
  • Join the Transition Team
  • Join the Fundraising Campaign Cabinet

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